Frequently Asked Questions


Where do you get products showing in your website?

We collect products from the manufacturer, whole sellers, dealers & importers.

Can I get cash in refund?

We are sorry you can’t. The fund will be credited to your account and you can use the fund to purchase other products. If for any reason a product doesn’t meet your satisfaction you can replace it within 7 days.

How do you ensure quality of your products?

We use every way to ensure the authenticity of the products. If for any reason a product doesn’t meet your satisfaction you can replace it within 7 days.

How can I order products?

You can browse our website and select the products and checkout by providing necessary information. You can also make an order by calling us or by sending us text in what’s app. You can what’s app or call us at +8801752 63 66 23

How much do you charge for delivery of products?

The delivery charge is $50.00 and if the order is over BDT. 1500.00 we offer you a free delivery.

How can I contact you?

You can contact us in chat, call us, message in contact page, WhatsApp. You can WhatsApp or call us at +8801752 63 66 23

What are you payment options?

We are accepting only Cash On Delivery (COD) now.

What is the delivery hour?

The delivery hour is 7:30 am to 11 pm every day.

Are your services available in my area?

We are now servicing in Dhaka city only.

How do I know if my order is ready?

Our representatives will call you when your order is ready and when this is available to be at your door step.

What if I can’t find the product I am looking for?

You can contact us in chat, call us, message in contact page, WhatsApp. You can WhatsApp or call us at +8801752 63 66 23.
We are always open for your suggestions and will add items to our inventory to serve in the best possible way.

Do you operate in unwanted situations?

Yes, we are always open and operate in unwanted situation like hartal, strike etc.

Why should I buy from you?

Response: We help you to save your time, energy and money (our prices are sometimes lower than the most of the stores in the city). We believe you should not waste your time in every other days just to buy a soap or a pen or may be a mini shampoo by standing in line in the shop to get a product and pay the bill. Also, we offer a wide variety of products than most of the stores you have nearby. Most importantly, we believe you shouldn’t take hassle to get to the shop for the same products again and again in almost every day. You can just order once what you need in a month we will deliver the same products every month (or the duration you select).

How do you handle delivery of products?

We use dedicated delivery team to deliver the products at your door step.

What’s return and refund policy?

Please see return and refund policy for details.

Do you offer discounts?

Of course we do. We highlight the discount offers in our website home page when any discount is offered.

Is it necessary to TIP the delivery guy?

No, it’s not necessary but you may TIP them for their hard work and they appreciate the recognition of their work.
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